March 8, 2010

M is for Motif

Wondering how I managed to get the gorgeous looking wooden web-wallpaper for my blog background. No? Never? Really?!
Well okay. But I don't care because I am in a very cheery charitable mood. And here's my top three recommendations of  FREE pattern websites.

There's very few of natural  looking patterns on the web. Much less are ones that are fast and easy to download (read: third-world's bandwith friendly). But one should worry not and come to the design domain of  one German gentleman called Koller. Beside realistic looking patterns under "real", there's also other easy to understand classification under this semi-bilingual website such as "dotted", "classic", and "lines". The aforementioned were simpler designs with an 8-bit-ish look to it.

If you are deliriously delighted over Damask as I am, then Din Pattern is the place to be. This design-savvy site offers cool takes on classical patterns with user friendly interface, complete with tutorial and bitesome articles on pattern-based art and design. No wonder it's often dubbed as the best pattern resource on the web.

Totally Severe is definitely not kool. It's kooky, kitschy, and kinky. And totally awesome. And has made me instinctively hit the bookmark bar  to go to to this  weirdly wonderful website each time I logged on.  I've seen it many times before and yet I want to see it again. I want to giggle all over again since  Sarah (raised and educated by pirates)  is just  adorably hilarious (and very nice too!). And I am using too many and, aren't  I?
Her designs know no boundaries for she would hop between style periods and then managed to make it hers.  She tackles tackiness with such fervour and turn it into something gaspingly good and so gregariously gutsy. And yes, Design should be Daring! And I will be webstalking Sarah forevah!

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