March 20, 2010

Goelia Concept 225

Oleh-oleh khusus buat Miss V and Miss Lowquacity.....
There's a mini-heaven in the busy intersection of Beijing Road and Wenming Road in Guangzhou, but it blends into its neighborhood almost too perfectly,you might miss it if you don't open your eyes wide enough to stay alert. Be on your best behavior or the two angels guarding the small stairways won't let you in ( a smile sure help).
This small sanctuary goes by the name of  Goelia Concept 225, and I was so very lucky to find it for it was, well, heavenly...

See more Guangzhou's Goodness here
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  1. ini tempat apa ya, Shali? keren bangeeeeeettt...pengen, pengen, pengen ke sanaaaa...
    eh tadi aku udah pasang comment, tapi commentku ke mana ya?

  2. waduh kemana ya.....cuma satu kok din...
    ini concept shop yang baguuuuusss bgt di guangzhou dindie. Get this, lantai satunya indoor mini garden, lantai duanya flower shop, lantai tiganya artspace (waktu itu lagi matryoshka exhibition gitu), lantai empatnya mini museum (di tahun 40an tempat ini studio foto lumayan ternama di Guangzhou, jadi ada kamera dan foto2 lama juga macem2 koleksi pernak-pernik yang dikumpulin dia dari travelling kemana2 gitu) terus lantai terakhir ada cafe kecil, kita bisa nyeruput2 kopi di rofftopnya juga...ahhhhh.....)

  3. Hohohohoho!
    It's like everything we want under one roof!
    You must check in there kalo lantai 6 ada hotelnya ya shali:D

    Hugs! These are just inspiring! Thank you!

  4. wah enak betuuuuullll....nginep terus aku di sini kalau ada lantai 6-nya...:)

  5. betul sekali andaikan ada lantai enamnya....
