April 17, 2010

Work in progress: Goodness

Me and my sister decided to start an online shop called Goodness. Currently, we're still tidying things up, open new accounts, administrations, logo and concept  designing, and so on. I will have my handmade whatnots to sell at Goodness too and I've been doing my good enough (can't say best, since it's stupendously slooowwww) effort to get rid of my heap of the half-finishes and actually made some. We've been pretty busy these two weeks. I do hope we will be able to open it soon, very soon. In the meanwhile here are some photos that I took on Friday....


  1. itu tasnya lo yang design sha?

  2. ajegileeee shaliiii tas kameranya keren banget berikut plushie yan gsuper keren jugaaaa!!! *panik..panik*

  3. Your garden! Those plants! I love them!

  4. @esa: Pernah rencana bikin mirip kayak gini, tapi kalo yang ini beli pas kemaren ke cina...

    @dindie: the plushies are actually phone cases din... cakep yaaa.... wait till you see the fabric bags ohohoho *tertawa jahat*

    @vantiani: perfect setting for product photos, no? hari itu terik sekali jadi pencahayaannnya pun udah enak sekali....

  5. shali aku pengen nge-cup itu tuh phone casesnya...glek glek glek.
